Working Tests

Gundog Working Tests (GWT)
An HPR gundog working test is a fun and structured event designed to test the skills of dogs in a controlled environment. It’s not about real hunting but simulates tasks that HPR dogs would perform in the field. It’s a great way to test your dog’s training and instincts while having a good time with other handlers. These tests happen in the summer months.
What Happens in a Working Test?
Gundogs Working Tests usually consists of three elements, hunting, retrieve and water. Depending on age and level of skill there are 3 main classes you may enter: Puppy (age 6 to 18 months), Novice (dogs which have not gained a place or Certificate of Merit at a field trial, been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an open GWT or 1st in a novice GWT), Open (all dogs, although preference may be given to dogs which have gained a place or Certificate of Merit at a field trial, been placed 1st, 2nd or 3rd in an open GWT, or 1st in a novice GWT), other classes may be available to enter such as NDNH - Novice Dog Novice Handler, Special Beginner, both classes are aimed at handlers and dogs attending their first Gundog Working Test.
All tests usually have separate judges and you will complete each test and move on to the next, this set up makes Gundog Working Test incredibly social occasions which have a very laid back atmosphere.
Your hunting judge will assess the hunting skill of you and your dog by watching you handle your dog hunting an area, using the wind and your handling skills to cover the ground systematically.
As hunting is the most important skill of an HPR dog and this part of the test is worth 40% of your score.
There are usually two retrieving tests during the day, their complexity is decided by the level they are aimed at, all retrieves should be achievable but testing. No live or cold game are used in gundog working tests only dummies. Each retrieve is worth 20% of your score.
Dogs will be tested on their ability to retrieve dummies from water. This test is also worth 20% of your score.
Are Gundog Working Tests for you?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
It’s a fantastic way to see your HPR dog in action, improve your skills, and meet other dog owners who share your interests. Whether you’re aiming for top scores or just want to have a go, it’s a rewarding activity for both you and your dog.
If you're still a bit nervous about entering come along and spectate or lend a hand being a dummy thrower.